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Personal Statment

All applicants are required to submit essay responses to the following prompts. Please include the prompts in your document before your response. Each response should be limited to 250 words.

  1. Describe when you first decided on a career as a physician, healthcare provider, or health scientist, and specifically how you tested your decision. Indicate which were your most meaningful experiences and how they helped you decide your path to the health sciences. You may include specifics on your interactions with patients, physicians, dentists, pharmacists, scientists or other members of the health care systems and biomedical research institutions where you volunteered or worked. The information is used in the application process and also to design the most productive individual BMP program that meets your needs.
  2. Describe any service-related activities and why it is important to you as a person.
  3. Describe a challenging problem, how you resolved it, and what you learned from it.
  4. “The ability to collaborate with a diverse range of people is important to the field of Biomedicine or healthcare because of the future interactions with diverse co-workers, patients and clients. In your academic work or personal experiences, what knowledge, insight, or expertise have you gained or shared with others on issues of race, ethnicity, gender, rural/urban and socioeconomic status, or other background issues, that limit access to medicine, dentistry, biomedical research and health care? How have you applied this knowledge or insight in the past and how do you envision applying it in BMP at the University of Pittsburgh and beyond?
  5. Self-assessment and expectations for growth and improvement in the BMP. What components or features of the Biomedical Masters Program at UPSOM attracted you to apply to the program? How do you see specifically the BMP helping you in your career growth in the health sciences?
  6. Please provide any additional information that you would like the Biomedical Masters Program to know.